Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Stop the Insanity!

It has been far too long since something new has been posted in this space as a BLOG. We have been far too preoccupied with frivolous and silly comments that only serve to extend a nonsensical string of puns well beyond the thrust of the blog to which they were attached.

More importantly, in light of our "gentleman's agreement" to only comment on the most recent 4 blogs, this will serve 2 further purposes:
  1. It will end the string of St. Louis Cardinal player puns (appropriately at 70 since Mark McGwire was the last pun reference) and,
  2. Mr. Huge won't have the last word that he covets so much.

As always, thanks for reading.


MrHuge2U said...

Ever wonder about the fascination with cars? I mean think about it, they generally depreciate off the lot, require lots of expensive upkeep, and keep us in debt for life as we keep changing/upgrading vehicles. At least, homes will generally appreciate. And remember, that, like people, they are basically all the same underneath all that sheetmetal. . .unless, of course, you have the HugeMobile, which has an extra long power train.

Anonymous said...

Im not sure of the Acuracy of that prior statement.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Sounds like Mr. Huge is rather Honda himself.

MrHuge2U said...

Uranus. . .er, sorry, I meant Saturn. For Chrysler sakes, I thought we gave up puns in this post!

Nathan Kinzel said...

Yeah, just like that "gentleman's" agreement!

Anonymous said...

I think a gentlemen's Accord would've been a better idea.

MrHuge2U said...

Ok. Let's be civic about this before it becomes a prelude for disaster.

Nathan Kinzel said...

That kind of thing happens all the time in Pork Ridge.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Oops, I used the wrong pun string.

Try this...

Was the pig hurt? Maybe you should call a vette?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Or, if I were going for the more esoteric former co-worker puns:

Maybe you should call Yvette.

MrHuge2U said...

I was just thinking that you should've gone out to dinner at Chevy's

Peter said...

Very original idea & title for a BLOG. Considering 95% of the world's BLOGS are crap, there are people who really need help.

Here's to all the broken-hearted HTML codes lost in cyberspace!


Anonymous said...

Unless he's too Jeep to spring for a sit down restaurant.

MrHuge2U said...

Sorry, I was so late, but I was Out Back getting a Hummer . . . of an idea.

Nathan Kinzel said...

I spent the weekend at my Villa where I could Park my car in a garage. I'd post some pictures but I forgot my Camry.

I know a guy who has a Hummer Huge2U. Very mini in fact.

I can't resist those Illinois town puns.

MrHuge2U said...

I heard Vince Lombardi couldn't afFord to live in Illinois

Nathan Kinzel said...

I think you're trying to dodge the issue because you're niles away.

MrHuge2U said...

Why Must you Ang-er me, just because I'm Normal?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Normal?! You weigh a blooming ton! You're so fat you can't fit inside the front door - you probably have to sleep on the back porsche.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you two just Saab about it? We can have a toast of Champaign when your through.

MrHuge2U said...

Champagne tastes good with Rolls and Royceters Rockefeller especially with sweet Vandalia onions!

echotig said...

What?? Other people read this blog! (Peter? Allen?)

See what happens when I leave for a few weeks?

The fascination with cars boils down to mankind's fascination with pretty shiny things.

Anonymous said...

Hey, our original reader is back! I thought maybe she was out Prospecting for Cobalt. Or perhaps in Hollywood trying to hit the Heights.

Aside to echotig: These Illinois town puns may not mean much to you. I recommend the Texas town string a post or two further down our blog.

MrHuge2U said...

I figured she must be at a Villa somewhere, or at least at a Park enjoying the Solstice

Nathan Kinzel said...

I was listening to a Sonata at the drive in last night when the sound went out on my speaker. I ran home to grab a tool so I could fix it.

MrHuge2U said...

You could have stopped by IKia and after Schaum-ping, you could have had a Burg-er!

Nathan Kinzel said...

What took you so long to respond? I was groveing impatient as I constantly had my ion this blog.

MrHuge2U said...

Sorry, I was romeo-ing around trying to get my ville of good looking girls and chasing some Mini skirts!

Nathan Kinzel said...

I thought maybe you were wheeling around Montana.

MrHuge2U said...

Now Cimmaron down, nothing is insurMountable, I'll lend you one of my reject Prospects

Nathan Kinzel said...

I haven't posted in so long you probably thought they wheeled me away on a gurnee. Or perhaps I was dodgeing the blog. Well, none of that is true; I was merely out of town.

MrHuge2U said...

Since you were so Lake in responding, I figured you must have won the lotto and got Zurich overnight or any number of Infiniti possibilities.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Don't toy with me. You ota know better. Al sip champagne in the end.

MrHuge2U said...

Quit Paseo-ing the buck! I'm really Des-apointed in you. Can't you understand Plaines English?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Yugo jump in the lake. You're worthless.

MrHuge2U said...

Last time Wilmette you weren't so bold. I Darien you to say that to my face!

MrHuge2U said...

You Grand Prix! (Sorry, I accidentally hit enter in that last post before completing my thought).

Nathan Kinzel said...

I auroraed with laughter when I read your last post. You're nuts. You should see a psychiatrist and take aurorashock test.

MrHuge2U said...

I Chenoa what you mean. Almost like a Gremlin had snuck in and took over. Kind of like. . .Gee, I guess, an MC Hammer!

Nathan Kinzel said...

No Lisle. I'm still corollaing with laughter.

MrHuge2U said...

I think you should be. . .um. . .Ur . . .Bana from the site since you've been on the Lam lately, and frankly, I'm getting borgh-ed and tired of waiting as you come ini and out whenever you please.

Nathan Kinzel said...

I told you I went Fer away - ari not listening? Perhaps you were too busy lansing that unsightly boil of yours.

MrHuge2U said...

This blog is really going South, kind of like Todd Holland-er's career. . . He had such a Bu-tiful swing, and not it's just plain ick!