Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hurricane Katrina is coming

and will be bringing some hefty waves. Afterwards, I'm sure we'll be walking on sunshine again. And don't it feel good!


Nathan Kinzel said...

Right now, when those poor people go to the mailbox, they'll have to hold themselves down.

MrHuge2U said...

I'll bet those poor people don't want that storm back for a weekend, not back for a day, no, no, no

Nathan Kinzel said...

I guess it was a powerful storm. When that one hit it was quite a wonder!

MrHuge2U said...

Something like a hit from Joe Charboneau perhaps, eh, Der Kommissar?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Or Mark Fidrych.

How about I flip you the bird?

MrHuge2U said...

Or Eddie Gaedel or Harry Chappas to you.


Nathan Kinzel said...

Frankly, I find you rather Veecksing.

MrHuge2U said...

This is not a circus, you freak. Frankly, I'm perSteve as rather aDahlling.