Friday, February 02, 2007

Speak Out for Change!

I'm not one to turn my back on technology but I'm starting to long for the days when cashiers actually counted the change they returned to their customer. I think those days left when the electronic cash register came on the scene and simply indicated the exact change to be returned.

I remember selling a cheeseburger, fries and a coke for a mere 89 cents when I worked at the local McDonald's. After receiving a five dollar bill for payment, the proper procedure was to drop eleven cents in the purchasers hand ("that's one dollar") followed by 4 singles ("two, three, four and five dollars"). And those were the days when virtually all transactions took place over a counter inside the restaurant.

Nowadays, when drive-thru lanes are common practice, I get handed my change bills first with the change on top. Invariably this leads to a balancing act with the coins to keep them from sliding out of my hand. Of course, with the currency between my hand and the coins, I have no feel for the change as it skates across the bills like Michelle Kwan at Rockefeller Center.

I say it's time for change! (no pun intended - for once.) Can't someone train these people to hand out the coins first? How hard of a concept is this to grasp? I think the fast food restaurant industry must make up for razor thin profit margins with all of the lost coins customer lose in the drive-thru lane. I, for one, am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!


MrHuge2U said...

I recall the days when the cashier not only returned the change, but would count it back by confirming each denomination until the total would add up to my original payment.

Your argument is similar to those who question the need to keep the penny in circulation. Actually, I like to see Penny's circulation, but I digress. The counter argument to the demise of the penny is that it would allow retailers to round up to the nearest .05 increment and gain a higher margin at our expense.

My two cents (pun intended) is that this is all hooey. That's the scientific term as coined (again pun intended) by our favorite chicken character "baby huey." Anyway, why aren't more people using plastic anyway? Isn't that supposed to be the American Way? Are you just closet commies? Debt is what made this country great! You owe a debt to this country! E Plurbius Unum!!!

Nathan Kinzel said...

What exactly does E Pluribus Unum mean, anyway? If it so important that it be stamped on every coin minted in the U.S., wouldn't it make sense to have it written it in English? Just think how many lives could have been saved if the literal translation was "Don't eat this".

haec olim meminisse iuvabit

MrHuge2U said...

To me, I believe therefore I am. This is just our American attempt at proving to the world that we are more diverse than the other countries that we can constantly remind them that we know latin. Why do you think doctors have to learn latin? You don't see plumbers or other laborers having to, well, labor, over latin. Only the prestigious of occupations require latin. Lawyers, Doctors. They claim that latin is a dead language, but I submit that it is alive and kicking. In fact, you just prove that it is constantly in circulation.

Ergo bibamus

Nathan Kinzel said...

Perhaps that's why you hear the term "Latin America". I don't recall ever hearing Latin France or Latin Germany. In fact, for a language that has its orgins around Rome, you never hear Latin Italy either!

Roberto Clemente

MrHuge2U said...

Of course, we don't hear much from the Romans except for their coliseum which was taken over by the Oakland sports teams. But I do believe they know how to celebrate birthdays, because the Roman Candles are pretty exciting on a birthday cake. I guess that's how the whole umpire, Ron Luciano, fell. Guess he got lost while he was roman around. After he retired from baseball, I heard he worked for Roman Hass.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Roman Gabriel came by my house the other day and asked, "Venice dinner?". I told him it would arrive in about 30 minutes because we had ordered a Pisa. Rather than sit around and wait, he spent the time Turin around our new house. In the meantime, I went out and took his new Mercury Milan out for a spin.

MrHuge2U said...

Are you sure that wasn't Roman Polanski, you freakin' sicko! He ended up at your house because he got lost driving on Pulaski after searching for AJ Perzynski, who knew a good restaurant where they serve Pierogi's.

Nathan Kinzel said...

I think you have him mixed up with Tchaikovsky who was Russian around my neighbor's house looking for some Vodka. He saw me out the window and asked where the liquor cabinet was. All I could say was "beets me". He must have been running for quite some time because he really looked borscht.

MrHuge2U said...

I think your Stalin for a good pun, so I thought I'd leave my Marx on this blog. I know it's a revolutionary thought, but if I made an error in speech, please blame those little green Kremlins. Now leave me alone, while I drive my old British Roadster, the KGB midget.

MrHuge2U said...

and yes, it's in red!