Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Welcom Back

I hate to admit it, but after taking off for two weeks in what was like Haiti, and just as hot as Hades, I really missed posting. Kind of like missing Heity Cruz who used to play for the Cubs, I think in the Eighties. Speaking of the Cubs, I'm amazed that they are on this incredible winning pattern. In fact, their inspired play has allowed my attention to expand beyond the game. For example, I was watching today's game against the Nationals, and noticed that their first baseman, Dmitri Young, looks alot like a cross between Linc Hayes and Bill "mad dog" Matlock. Who has afros these days anyway? He looks a little pudgey, but they you look over in the dugout and see Ray King who looks like he hasn't many Whoppers in his lifetime. He must be carrying close to 300 pounds with that overhanging gut of his. I wonder if Rafael Belliard is just keeping a spot warm until they can get Prince Fielder's big ass over to Washington.


Nathan Kinzel said...

Don't send them to Tahiti,
It'd be bad to be meaty,
And they'd have a hard time getting a sweetie.

Good to be back from China?
I'm sure the U.S. is finah.
Just don't complain to me - you big whinah!

MrHuge2U said...

We met someone from your home town.
Nice enough, but with a perpetually serious frown,
Perhaps, you may have seen him around?

Glad to hear you're back from Denver,
Hopefully, you will be more clever,
and I can finally tell your stories to Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

Your comments are nothing but silly,
But funny? I'm sorry, not really,
Still I read every day,
And find something to say,
Even though you're hung up on your willie.

Anonymous said...

Well, you're certainly no Faust,
and affect me like a bad case of gout;
But some of your stories are amusing,
although most leave me snoozin'
And you know who's the biggest in this house.

Anonymous said...

Though your words,
are somewhat clever,
I am funny,
You are never.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree,
that you are funny. . . lookin'
Don't look now,
But I'm really cookin!

Whether it's prose, poetry,
crosswords, sodoku, or haiku,
I've paid my dues.
Everyone loves me: Catholics, Protestants,
Arabs, and Jews!
Just remember the name of your boss,
and if you ever forget, it's Mr. Huge2U

Anonymous said...

To post or not to post,
that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous readers
Or to take arms against a sea of bloggers,
And by opposing end them?

Anonymous said...

You fail to recognize our readership.

Exit, Stage Left!

Anonymous said...

Never fear,
Underdog is here!

Anonymous said...

Oh my darlin'
Oh my darlin'
Oh my darlin' Clemenitine

We've now sunk to a new low