Friday, July 20, 2007

When in Rome. . .

Ever notice that the most articulate speaker becomes full of over used cliches when he joins a baseball team? Why is it that during an interview, a Stanford grad like Mark Prior spews "we'll just take this one game at a time." Just what does that mean? Perhaps, that's been his trouble all along! Somehow, good ole Stanford boy got confused and was playing thirteen games at a time? How about my personal favorite: "you have to keep your eye on the ball." Duh?!?


Nathan Kinzel said...

Instead of Roman around looking for answers, I think the problem with Mark Prior is obvious. He seems to have hit a wall. A great wall. Clearly he is as fragile as fine china and the wall broke him down.

Anonymous said...

How could he break down, he was just Peking as a player. Somehow, I think he got Shanghai-ed. Wood you believe he could Kerry a team?

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a Pompeii's ass. You're just not using your noodle. Perhaps, as a player, he was simply an impasta.

Anonymous said...

You are always trying to Picasso a fight. If you could just ex-Spain yourself, maybe I wouldn't feel like a cocker spainard that got run over by a cadillac Seville! I really Madrid getting your response.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just relax and sit out on the Portugal? Maybe you'll have a Wales of time.

Hey, by the way, did I ever tell you where Dick Pole was from?

Anonymous said...

What kind of game are you playing as you monopolize this conversation? Chutes, I oughta Ladder you have one!

Anonymous said...

Game? I don't engage in such Trivial Pursuits. Perhaps I was merely board but I just couldn't help trying to be a card anyway.

I ought to deck you.

Anonymous said...

Just Uno minute! At the Risk of sharing a thought that will end in a mad Scrabble at who's going to comment next, I would like to thump my Chess, since Mah Jong is bigger than yours.

Anonymous said...

I will admit that you're more of a dick than a certain ex-president who had a dog named Checkers. In fact, you're also a bit Bonkers. Furthermore, your posts are not up to Par - in fact, they're cheesy.

I dare you to get me Back. Gammon, I dare you.

Anonymous said...

Get a Clue, since you've Sunk to a new low in this Battle, Ship! Sorry! but, I win again. It's like taking Candy from a baby in this Land.

Anonymous said...

Sure, go ahead and make your juvenile jokes while I continue reading Othello. Later on I'll be crossing the Yahtzee River while you are just wasting your Life away.

Anonymous said...

This blog is in Jeapordy. Perhaps, we need a Password, but you have such poor Concentration that you'd probably forget it. I think you need an Operation.

Anonymous said...

Some guy wanted to sell me a suit but the coat and pants didn't Match. I said I was Game if the Price is Right. But then my wife didn't like it and there ensued a Family Feud. I guess we're not Newlyweds anymore. But then I'm Dating myself.

Anonymous said...

I guess I should consider myself Wheel (of) Fortune-ate since I don't live in Hollywood with all the Squares. You'd have to dress like Yvonne Goola-Gong to just Show up at a party, To Tell the Truth. Try to Beat that. The Clock is ticking.