Monday, October 01, 2007

Britney Spears Naked!

Okay, this was really just a cheap ploy to get someone, anyone, to read our blog. But seriously, after all that was written about our Brit after the MTV awards, you would think she was the second coming of Roseanne Barr. Say what you will about her (and there is a long list of shortcomings), she still looks fine. There's just no reason to have the audio turned up.


MrHuge2U said...

I agree. There is something even more attractive about her even when she flubs. Kind of an innocence that she exudes. To this day, I think she looks the best as that catholic school girl. Perhaps, she should be innovative and make a silent music video?

Nathan Kinzel said...

I can't say that she's more attractive when she flubs. And I'm certainly not picking up any exuded innocense. But I do think you're on to something with this silent music video idea.

MrHuge2U said...

I'd actually like to see her do a mime video in her catholic school outfit and see her do the tug of war with Lindsay Lohan using an invisible rope. Hell, I would like to see both with invisible outfits.

Nathan Kinzel said...

You are merely demonstrating how transparent you are. Don't worry, I have it all on tape.

MrHuge2U said...

It's getting pretty sticky in here, or are you masking your comments. I think I need a scotch after that last remark.

Nathan Kinzel said...

I think you're at least trying reel hard to see both sides of the issue. Perhaps you'll agree that I'm a dispenser of wisdom.

MrHuge2U said...

Cut it out. Can't you just roll with the changes or adhere to the rules instead of just ducting the issues!

Nathan Kinzel said...

You're really on a tear, aren't you? I'm trying to think of something clever but I'm stuck and it's driving me nuts. I'm about to become unglued.

MrHuge2U said...

What?? Can't take the pressure - sensitive? Perhaps, my electrical comments are too shocking to you?

Nathan Kinzel said...

You're just trying to create some friction. I think you are too tightly wound. Perhaps if you were more athletic...

Anonymous said...

If I'm too wound up, you're the gauze. I'll take you on in a race anytime. Didn't you know I've won a few tourniquets in my time? I could beat you, and then even the marching band won't aid you.

Nathan Kinzel said...

You want a piece of me? Make an app-ointment.

MrHuge2U said...

Suture self, but I think you're getting cream-ed!

Nathan Kinzel said...

Cut it out! I'm in stitches.

MrHuge2U said...

Guess you salve the best for last!

Nathan Kinzel said...

But I'm not done; I like to nurse these things along. In fact, I may even doctor some of my earlier comments.

MrHuge2U said...

Well, that's not very hospital-ble! You show no sense of urgent or care.

Nathan Kinzel said...

I didn't mean to create any ill will. Upon closer examination, maybe I'm just sick of this whole thing. I can't stand the pressure.

MrHuge2U said...

Why don't you get a newspaper prescription and start reading instead of surgeon at me constantly, you HoMO!

Nathan Kinzel said...

That last remark really has me pPO'd! I may have to remove you from the blog to insure you never make those kinds of uninformed claims again.

MrHuge2U said...

Get a Life. Remember when you got Dis-sed because you didn't have the Ability to fight back. I Covered your back then. Roger wil-Co, Pay me later.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Dis me all you want, I'm indeductible. You're quickly becoming a liability to this blog. I wish you would exhibit more long-term care.

MrHuge2U said...

You must be running out of options by drugging out old generic comments. You should be indemnity forever with my support.