I recently discovered the incredible power of the web in using Linked In. In the short span of less than 24 hours, I was able to connect with some long ago colleagues and learned to impress them with small talk and drivel, no doubt honed from the long wasted hours spent on this blog. But I digress. What is truly amazing to me is how the network constantly expands with each new connection. I feel incredible as each contact grows exponentially. I feel the power surge as each Aunt May leads to another Peter Parker, and more importantly, a new Mary Jane.
I got the POWER!!!
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What I find amazing is that 10% of my network is in the San Francisco area. I don't even know anyone in San Francisco!
On the flip side, it's really disappointing when an invitation to my network is rejected. Even my own mother!
Aren't there queers in San Francisco?!?!! Guess if the adidas fit, eh? Maybe that's why your mother is rejecting you.
I really like the way the network keeps growing, but I'm curious as to how one would reach out to those "six degrees" separated. I'm not one to approach a complete stranger unless of course she looks like a Victoria Secret model. But then, she probably would reach out to me first.
I think that so-called "reach" is an attempt to stiff-arm you away.
Now that I think about it, I didn't have any contacts in San Francisco until you joined my network. Perhaps there's a reason you're constantly making those gay references.
I only joined your network out of pity. Someone should explain to you that if you create multiple accounts with different names, you still don't have a network. Of course, you are always surrounded by your best friends.
So what did you do with all your old driver licenses from San Francisco?
Pity may be an apt name, but doesn't that podunk town you live in have a real name?
Think podunk when you are holed up in your lifeless dark hole, shaking like a leaf from the traffic stress and neighborhood prowlers.
Naturally, I'll be basking in the limelight with my friendly neighbors who are always leaving their doors open.
I talked to some of your neighbors; they'd like you to return their stuff and move to Linc in Nebraska.
Bet you never talk to your own neighbors since your have that 10 ft. tall, electrified, chain LINK fence surrounding your properties. Move to a real place and LIVE, LIVE, LIVE like humans rather than rats in dark tunnels.
Come out and enjoy the sun.
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