Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hello Doctor

My brother had a physical recently where I understand he received shots for tetanus, whooping cough and shingles. He seems like somewhat of a do-it-yourself kind of guy so this shingles thing doesn't really surprise me. However, I think I'd rather have a shot for maybe getting a bathroom re-done.

I guess he's also been told to get a colonoscopy. That's really the kind of thing that's best kept to one's self because once you tell a few people, you'll be subject to no end of jokes. Having gone through the procedure not that long ago, I have been treated to three offerings of a viral video of a singing colonoscopy featuring Lou Rawls "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" with a disco ball rotating overhead.

And if, for exampe, one or two people in the lobby area may happen to mention you look like Richard Gere, don't bother telling anyone later on because, well... just don't bother.

By the way, I think I saw my doctor at the auto show this week. I didn't ask if he remembered me; I couldn't stand anymore jokes.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're getting tired of being the butt of the jokes? Look out, I'm just rearin' to go! I assume you were looking for some feedback?

Speaking of colon scans, I've always been deathly afraid of those things, and I've only had one. But it was actually worse than I had imagined, and not sure I will do so again unless I have to. Warning: the following falls into the "too much information" category - I had always been regular. . .until that fateful day when I met the metal snake that would forever change my life. Kind of a quick taste of prison life without the pleasure of being behind bars. All I know is I kept wondering if that damn rod would ever stop snaking its way through! After it started coming out of my mouth I figured they would be done. Imagine if I they didn't give me the sedative and I had been awake!

Anonymous said...

After that rod came out of your mouth, I presume that's when they discovered that nasty hemorrhoid?

The word "doctor" was glaringly absent from your story; perhaps you shouldn't get quite so personal with the local Roto-Rooter guy next time.

Anonymous said...

But I got a great deal on my plumbing!

Perhaps, your doctor should offer a discount for all the times he retrieved my foot from your ass.

Anonymous said...

Did you give your doctor a little something extra for dislodging your head from your ass?

Anonymous said...

About the same as your doctor for retrieving the foot from your mouth. Good thing he gives you a volume discount for popping that spine back in each time you visit your boss by the way.