Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back Rub the wrong way

I noticed a job posting today for Stark Investments in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, land of our fellow cheeseheads, and was quite surprised to see the title of the position. Instead of seeing Senior Director of Accounting, or VP of Purchasing, I came across the enviable opening of "Senior BACK OFFICE Manager." Now I'm not sure how popular that title is, or how many people are pounding on their doors, or how to put that title down on a business card without cringing, but somehow can't imagine that to be too flattering. My mind wanders to a social engagement, like a dinner party, and imagine the conversation going towards, "so what do you do?" In between the CFO, VP Engineering, and the like, no doubt the "Back Office Manager" would stand out like a sore thumb. So what does a "B O Manager" do?


Anonymous said...

I suppose it does sound better than "Back End Manager". I hear there's an opening.

Anonymous said...

I think they should create a special position for people like you in their organization: "Yes Man"

At least it would be honest.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll just take a pass on that idea.

Anonymous said...

You could work at the Gas Company.