Friday, June 13, 2008

Corporate Affairs

I work in a large Midwestern Fortune 50. Like large companies, we have our share of politics, but undeniably, we also have an unusual culture of enjoying being bland and about 20 years behind the times. Because we don't have a sense of urgency, we have become boring. Instead of meeting plan expectations, we meet to discuss who is celebrating the next 50 year anniversary. Average turnover is incredibly low, which on the surface hints at loyalty, but truly hides the truth of reality. We are at best, average, and likely sub-par in terms of talent. Which brings up my point. I feel that I am a "stellar performer," but feel that would be a hollow gloat. It's like claiming to be valedictorian in an inner city school. In other words, I feel like a shining star(fish) in a sea of mediocrity, and I am drowning fast. I need to find another ocean to crap on.


Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the guy that left Enron to join your company? He increased the average IQ's of both!

Anonymous said...

I just get sick of all the tired cliches. Just today, I heard "let's agree to disagree." To which, I would like to reply: "NO, you freakin' idiot, I'm right, and you're wrong! I don't like you as a person, nor do I like your work, nor your clothes, nor your car, and certainly, not your personality!" Do you think I was a little strong?

Anonymous said...

That was most definitely an inappropriate response. You should have stood up, lifted him from his chair and thrown the little buffoon half way across the room.

Anonymous said...

Referring to him as a buffoon seems a bit unprofessional. I like dumbass better.

Anonymous said...

Yes, dumbass is most definitely the more professional term. For greater effect, you should also make sure the little bastard goes flying out the door just to make your point with the rest of the farmers in your office.

Anonymous said...

He didn't like it when I called him a dumb "hoe" today either