Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Karma Chameleon

Check out my picture in Webster's Dictionary! I'm right there under "hypochondriac". If your uncle happens to be in the hospital after suffering a heart attack, please don't tell me the symptoms that led up to his attack - otherwise I'll be feeling those same symptons that evening. Those stomach pains that one tells me they're feeling after lunch in the cafeteria; poof - there they are!

You have a friend who becomes a downer with their constant complaining? I can become that friend. Tell me about that pain in the ass that won't stop making jokes and there I'll be, right next to him or her.

Why can't someone tell me about these wonderful people they know who are always engaging? Maybe I could take that on too. But wait - then I'd probably feel inadequate; you know I have those self esteem issues too.


Anonymous said...

Apparently, you're not very transparent.

Actually, perhaps you should consider a career where you can empathize with a customer. Wouldn't it be a natural fit for you to work in customer service so when someone comes in with a complaint, you could find a solution that would fit their real needs? Of course, that's assuming you wouldn't work in a doctor's office. Imagine going home thinking your goiter is loose.

Anonymous said...

Great idea with that customer service thought. Just please don't make me be an advice columnist. Or a veterinarian.

I'm not even sure I can spell veterinarian.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you could handle not eating meat anymore. But, of course, you are closely related to the dill.

Perhaps, you should consider going into psychiatry? That way, you could treat hypochrondiacs since they say it takes one to know one, right? It would be like circular reasoning and you'd trade off feelings perpetually! The human version of the black hole. A walking "doom loop!"

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't we be a sitting doom loop? Or a sitting and lying doom loop?

Hey, wait a minute, who are you calling a liar?

Anonymous said...

Everything originated with the id. And of course, the Honda Odyssey.