Thursday, December 04, 2008

Privacy Under Pressure!

Ever feel that nothing's ever private anymore? Take for instance, the workplace. Now, I know they always say that your email and telephone conversations belong to your employer, and I fully understand that it is a priviledge, but how about an office? Shouldn't one feel somewhat secure behind a closed door? Too often, I find myself trying to get caught up on messages only to have that knock on my door asking if I'm busy. Duh? Why would I have my door closed if I want to speak to someone? Because I am the polite dolt, I typically will let them in. This is based on prior history when I would ignore the knocking, only to be greeted by further persistant knocking. As I opened the door, the person assumed that since he did not hear voices (indicating a meeting) that I was available!

This leads me to my present day dilemma. So after heaving down a large, supersized, bowl of extra creamy New England Clam Chowder at my desk, I found my lactose intolerant bowls twitching. I'll leave out the details and let you assume the rest. Behind my closed door sauna, I found myself in the relaxed comfort of my office scanning my emails today. Before I could launch into another long, drawn out message, I heard that startling knock at my door. As the pressure mounted, and the tension in the air filled, I came under a strange dilemma: Should I just play quiet in the hopes that my interrupting visitor would just leave or risk that my sealed office would reveal my obvious lactose intolerance issue?


Anonymous said...

Your faulty assumption here is that the rest of your workplace isn't already familiar with your gastric tendencies. How many times have you heard your co-workers utter "You don't know beans - but [Mr. Huge] over here sure does!" Didn't you ever wonder why your office visitors told their administrative assistants "I'm heading over to Gas City."? Did the nickname "BP" mean nothing to you? Perhaps you thought you were Bi-Polar?

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know that I have the reputation of great intestinal fortitude,especially after I bagged the receptionist and cleaning lady in the same week!