Wednesday, April 13, 2005

So Britney Spears is pregnant!

Makes me think of mattresses. Did you ever wonder why mattress manufacturers/retailers come up with so many variations of product names/numbers that it is virtually impossible to compare based on names/descriptions? Wouldn't it be to their advantage to allow consumers to compare based on price? At least, they could save a lot of money instead of having all these cross-references and product tags in their inventory systems. Whoever came up with this idea should have his ass examined!


Nathan Kinzel said...

Or maybe he should have his mattrASS examined.

Mattresses make me think of Joey Heatherton. I think she was sort of a Britney Spears of the 70's.

The last time I purchased a mattress I asked one of the salespeople I encountered how I could compare one against another. They published spring counts or wire gauges or who knows what else but the guy said none of that mattered - there was really no way to compare them based on specifications. I think he was lying.

Women must do most of the mattress buying because all of the salespeople I met were guys or women that, well, wouldn't necessarily look good on a mattress. You know, if Britney Spears sold mattresses I'm sure she could make a killing.

MrHuge2U said...

Was that one salesperson you referenced a bold faced liar or did you mean he was lying on a mattress? Irregardless, I'm sure you were fantasizing about him lying on the mattress. By the way, what kind of guy is Joey?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Get your facts right. The truth is that Britney Spears is poignant!

MrHuge2U said...

I heard that Britney was going to broadway to star in Poignant and Bess.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Mamma Mia!

MrHuge2U said...

Oops, you did it again