Friday, April 01, 2005

Who really cares about Michael Jackasson anyway?

I'm still chasing fantasies about Farrah. Do you think she's a virgin? Do you think she cooks with virgin olive oil? Somehow I want to combine the last few thoughts. Second verse, same as the first. Hey, this is really fun. Too bad I don't have any more wisdom teeth, because I could refill my pain medication.


MrHuge2U said...

How pathetic is this - I'm responding to my own post. Nothing like taking things in my own hands. Actually, kind of reminds me of my first date, but that's another story. Did you get back from Colorado yet. Hope you had a chance to use the John in Denver. Did you have cakes on the griddle for breakfast?

Nathan Kinzel said...

Is this some kind of riddle? Get out of the country, boy!

MrHuge2U said...

Why don't you fly away, fly away.