Wednesday, August 24, 2005

We've Lost Our Audience

Or bored them to tears.

Apparently there is not a lot of demand to read through an endless series of nonsensical puns. We've barely added new posts over the last couple of months and as a consequence our readership has dwindled! Even Echotig has only posted a comment or two. And when was the last time we heard from Allen? We need to stir the pot more! I'm willing to post to our blog if Mr. Huge 2 U is willing to post comments on other blogs to generate interest. I'll even try to be interesting - or at least more interesting than this particular posting.


MrHuge2U said...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . .uh, did you just say something nonsensical?

I think you are the problem.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Did you notice that some guy named benj krisp added a comment to the "This is Garbage" post? I think you need to visit all of the blogs of these people who comment on ours and start posting comments.

Stay away from the Met fans.

MrHuge2U said...

Will do, Chief. Expect a barrage of disparaging shaped asparagus shortly.

Nathan Kinzel said...

What would be the shape of disparaging? And what's the deal with asparagus? Was he the greek god of bowling?

MrHuge2U said...

He was a pretty sweet guy, but some thought he was a little superficial. During competitions, he got sacked for being a poor substitute for the real thing. In fact, I think they named the artifical sweetener, Aspartame, after him.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Sounds to me like you're being Aspartass!

MrHuge2U said...

Ahh, but don't you Aspire to be me!

Nathan Kinzel said...

That's an incorrect assumption.

MrHuge2U said...

Maybe, but I was right when I guessed you were in Aspen especially when I asked you where's your Ass been?

Nathan Kinzel said...

You're giving me a headache. I need an aspirin.

MrHuge2U said...

Really? I think you need a pamprin.