No not the Jimmie Johnson of Nascar fame type of racy, nor the Go Speed Racer either. I'm talking about plain raw sex! So, have you seen the latest National Geographic which depicts the mating habits of the portuguese dweezil?
(Please note the blatant use of brands to hopefully get snared by cheap search engines).
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Well Playboy, I hope your ploy is successful. Maybe then we could afford some Penthouse properties and guzzle Jugs of beer while watching the boob tube.
Hey, who did that song "And We Danced" back in the 80's?
In the '80s? Who gives a hoot. I was too busy being a pool Hustler back then, running into Anal retentive Players. I played pool was in a bowling alley where they had many different sizes of balls. I would have been a professional bowler, but I was too much of a hooker when it went down the lane. I'm sure it was the oil they used to lubricate the alleys. Probably didn't penetrate too well.
That's right - it was the Hooters. I think they were Orel Hershiser's favorite band. Or maybe they were popular at Oral Roberts College. That's right, Orel Hershiser was into Tom Jones. He could really belt out What's New Pussy Cat.
I think Janet Evans went to Oral Roberts. She's that famous swimmer who could do the breast stroke or was that Steve Sax who like breast meat while listening to Billy Squiers: The Stroke?
Give yourself a hand, you've done quite a job on these comments. You can't be beat.
You are certainly the master of the bait and switch. Like that Jag salesman.
That comment was just bush. I'm not going to honor it with a response - besides, I have to go watch Leave it to Beaver.
Hey, you just snatched up my comment before I had a chance to sneak in! You're making this really hard!
Well, I hate to be firm, but its not like we're bosom buddies. You had ample time to make "your" comment. I guess your cup doesn't run over with witty commentary.
Why haven't you responded to my last comment, you ass!? Are you afraid to engage in some tit for tat? Or maybe you're busy poring over the T & A budget there at your work?
You just withdrawl for a day, and boy do you get cocky! Amazed at your attempt titilating dialogue - I think it just sucks. Guess you were screwed without me, but thanks for trying to keep me abreast of what's been going on.
I think you need boobie photos. Although we have not tried this at our own blog, Zero Unlimited, we hear tell it is a fine way to get traffic to your blog.
Write now for details. If you act today, we'll throw in a tissue with dried mucus on it!
If this had been a real spamming, you would have received a link on where to go next.
I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Finally! Some new perspective. I'm tired of the twattle from that dildo Mr. Huge.
You know, I think Mr. Huge could volunteer his chest for the boobie photo.
You're ass-uming that I'm not paying attention, but I get the thrust of your point. Go back to your rubber walled, condom-inium.
As Mr. Huge's title is "Mr.", I'm ass-uming that he has man boobs? Those are all the rage these days.
Dr. Post, you are obviously a very forward thinking blogger. Mr. Huge could be holding you back.
Will we need to drug him to get the required photos?
What kind of person names himself "monkey" anyway? Seems like someone who doesn't need to worry about playing with a cup.
How do you know he isn't really a monkey? Either way, it seems to me he's pretty smart.
That's because you're the monkey's uncle. Have a banana, freak.
I am a kindergarten graduate, and I am indeed, a Monkey.
I work in the mailroom at Zero Unlimited.
Dr. Post, I see that Mr. Huge is going to give you trouble where the man boobs photo is concerned. He seems quite truculent. I suggest gagging him.
He is truculent. In fact, he looks like he was run over by a Mack Truckulent. Why not gag him, he gags me every time I see him.
Nothing like roasted monkey on a spit. Pretty succulent.
Well hmph. See if I try to help your company ever again.
That won't guarantee my not coming back and chortling over your antics though.
Best Regards,
Your Fired Consultant
Monkey must be sensitive. I picture a hairy Mickey Dolenz. . . is that redundant? Anyway, that was then, this is now.
Hey, who fired the consultant?!
And furthermore, when including both a question mark and an exclamation point at the end of a sentence, which goes first!?
I didn't even know we had a consultant! I think it was a positive step forward - too bad it didn't last.
So what's your point??!!?!! You know, I think they used to call prostitutes "consultants" in the old days or at least that's what they put on your credit card receipts.
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