Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wide Bottom Girls

With all due respect to Freddie Mercury and Queen, I do have some empathy for those overweight women out there. However, I do believe that I have run into a couple of those Lane Bryant types who may not necessarily be classified as the nicest people around. Case in point: yesterday as I was leaving the complex of my large midwestern employer, I was walking through the crowd trying to get to my car in the parking garage. There is a narrow hall that can fit approximately 20 people wide going in both directions. This allows probably 3 people walking alongside in each direction. I, along with several others, was trying to keep pace, when suddenly there she was. A large woman who happened to be going at a slower pace. Now, I do not begrudge someone who may not be able to keep up, especially those who may be elderly or potentially have some physical handicap. Rest assured, this was not the case. What was unusual in my circumstance was the velocity of her arm movements. She was rapidly flailing, yes flailing her arms around to such a degree that no one could pass her.

Now, I'm not referring to her arm movements as those of a typical speed walker. Hers was definitely of the obnoxious, "don't even think about passing me, or I'll snip off your scrotom" variety. More to come tomorrow.


Nathan Kinzel said...

What happened? Did you suddenly get a call from Mother Nature? Where's the rest of the story? These cliffhanger things are popular on TV shows but they have viewers!

By the way, so far this story seems less about wide bottom girls and more about flailing arm girls.

MrHuge2U said...

Good point about our readership.

Anyway, as she's flailing her arms, no one could possibly pass her. Besides the arm movements which resembled a large tailed, duck billed teradactyl, her wide bottomed girth precluded anyone from moving pass her without risking being impaled by those crazy movements. As she reaches the door, she conveniently opens the door with full force which allows it to snap back on the person behind her, namely yours truly. This had the impact, coupled with the wind, to push me back from the force which pushed me back into the person behind me. The Marx Brothers had nothing on us.

More to come later.

Nathan Kinzel said...

Are you just too busy? Is that the problem with finishing this story?

Must be planting season in Mayberry.

Anonymous said...

I like to keep them guessing.

Anonymous said...

More likely, you keep them sleeping.

Anonymous said...

I keep them hopping