Friday, May 23, 2008


Ever notice how certain names immediately convey some imagery? It's kind of like "Hubert's" give you the impression that the gentlemen is somewhat nerdy, but friendly. "Horatio" is doomed to be a milquetoast. Don't even get me started on a "Melvin."

What I find particularly interesting is how every "Sara" or "Sarah" that I have ever met is blonde. Now I didn't necessarily say that Sarah's are attractive, just blonde. Think about Sarah Jessica Parker strutting around New York in her blonde locks. Don't forget Sarah Michelle Gellar sashaying in her Buffy attire. Just thinking of Sara makes me Smile.


Anonymous said...

Except Sarah Johns.

I took the liberty of adding the up and coming country singer's picture to your post. I guess they're not all blondes after all.

You should meet her.

Anonymous said...

I have. She's really blonde.

Anonymous said...

Right. I'm sure all the big stars go through Mayberry on their way to the top.

By the way, did you see Foghat at the county fair?

Anonymous said...

I'll catch them at the corn festival. Too busy at the hog calling contest.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the corn festival the place where you get all your jokes?

Anonymous said...

No, I get them from the city folk. . . as we take their money that they put down for my so called "antiques" . . .

Anonymous said...

Speaking of antiques, let me wish you a belated happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

New York is where I wish YOU were.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be in New York. Just as long as you stay down on the farm.