Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The People Have Spoken

Barack Hussein Obama has officially been elected as the next President of the United States. This is really an accomplishment considering that he had to overcome such an unusual name. Meanwhile, the Republicans have already begun gearing up for the 2012 presidential election - Mitt Romney announced today that he was legally changing his middle name to Bin Laden.


Anonymous said...

I'm always intrigue with celebrities who name their offspring unusual names. Take for example, Nicholas Cage who chose Kal-El (of Superman fame) for his son. Now, he will forever be attributed to that fictional creation. How absurd. Next thing you know Nicholas will become a Saint and start giving away presents for no reason at all.

Anonymous said...

I've always liked names that were more than just names...

Al Ergee'
Ben Dover
Bill Dingh
Bill Fold
Carrie Daway
Chuck Steak
Dick Head
Frank Furter
Hal Itosis
Harry Pitts
Jim Nasium
Jim Shortz
Joe Momma
Lee Nover

Anonymous said...

How could you possibly forget the infamous Dick Hertz?