Sunday, May 14, 2006

Pomp and Circumstantial Evidence

As the school year closes, I am reminded of the number of graduation cermonies currently taking place and the increase in number of cars clogging my cities' arteries. I am sitting in my car in congested traffic wondering if they could come up with a wonder drug, like Lipitor, to clean up this mess. That's when pomp and circumstance came to mind. Just when did we ever equate pomp and circumstance with graduation? Probably the same guy who was crazy enough to first eat a lobster! I wonder if he started gnawing on a hedgehog or scorpion, and decided that lobster was more attractive. Probably a caveman version of Jackass, the movie. Now back to my original point, what is a pomp anyway? Sounds like a hooker's manager. At least, it would explain "circumstance."

Why do we mark the occasion of a graduation anyway? It's not like there won't be other challenges in life. Almost like giving a false sense of accomplishment when you realize, you've got a long way to go. .
  • kissing up to the boss
  • falsifying the Enron-esque statements
  • serving your time
  • sleeping with the neighbor's wife
  • sleeping with the neighbor's dog
  • sleeping with the neighbors's dog of a wife
  • sleeping with the neighbor's wife of a dog
  • spending your Saturday's in AA
  • pledging your assets for $0.30 on the dollar for bail
  • listening to your neighbor about how he has it so bad
. . .to obtain that enriching life that you so much sought after. Of course, you could while away your time keeping your sanity talking about the good old days of innocence and graduation by spending time on a blog.

Remember: Graduation is the beginning of your life. Just imagine those deadbeats who never made it that far, like Steve Jobs.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Door Etiquette

Since I was brought up to be somewhat of a gentleman, I will usually open and hold the door for a woman to enter a room or building. I assume the gentlemanliness of this act is derived from the principle of "ladies first". However, the act of opening the door has the added benefit of relieving the woman of the effort of moving the door. This of course raises the question in my mind - what to do with a revolving door.

If the woman precedes a man into a revolving door, the man has followed the ladies first principle to the letter. The woman, though, has then been burdened with the bulk of the effort of moving the door forward. However, should the man precede the woman into the revolving door, thus sparing her some of the effort of moving the door, he has ignored the doctrine of ladies first. So I ask you, which is more gentlemanly with regard to a revolving door: the man first or the woman first?

I posed this question to a female friend that I hold in the highest regard figuring she could provide some guidance. My question wasn't answered but I did sense that she thought psychiatric help may be in order for me. Naturally I now turn to the blogging world for answers. If only we had some readers.