Friday, July 20, 2007

When in Rome. . .

Ever notice that the most articulate speaker becomes full of over used cliches when he joins a baseball team? Why is it that during an interview, a Stanford grad like Mark Prior spews "we'll just take this one game at a time." Just what does that mean? Perhaps, that's been his trouble all along! Somehow, good ole Stanford boy got confused and was playing thirteen games at a time? How about my personal favorite: "you have to keep your eye on the ball." Duh?!?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Great Moments in All-Star Game History

I can't believe about 35 years have passed since Pete Rose bowled over Ray Fosse to score a run in the All-Star game. One of the most memorable plays in baseball history and one that effectively ended Ray Fosse's career.

Quite the contrast this evening as Alex Rodriguez pulled up in front of Russell Martin as Martin grasped the ball in front of home plate. With both hands facing forward in front of him (as if to say "don't hurt me"), Rodriguez came to a stop as Martin gingerly tagged A-Rod out.

What a difference now that the game "counts".

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Welcom Back

I hate to admit it, but after taking off for two weeks in what was like Haiti, and just as hot as Hades, I really missed posting. Kind of like missing Heity Cruz who used to play for the Cubs, I think in the Eighties. Speaking of the Cubs, I'm amazed that they are on this incredible winning pattern. In fact, their inspired play has allowed my attention to expand beyond the game. For example, I was watching today's game against the Nationals, and noticed that their first baseman, Dmitri Young, looks alot like a cross between Linc Hayes and Bill "mad dog" Matlock. Who has afros these days anyway? He looks a little pudgey, but they you look over in the dugout and see Ray King who looks like he hasn't many Whoppers in his lifetime. He must be carrying close to 300 pounds with that overhanging gut of his. I wonder if Rafael Belliard is just keeping a spot warm until they can get Prince Fielder's big ass over to Washington.