Monday, March 28, 2011


When did "sustainability" become synonymous for social responsibility? I mean the word just doesn't conjure up visions of being "green." In fact, when did a color become synonymous for "sustainability?" Wasn't that Kermit's domain anyway? Who'd have thought that he would become reference in our blog? Just a few short years ago, I would have thought that "sustainability" referred to those girly-men out there who weren't able to prolong their manhood, kind of like Nathan who buy's Viagra in Club Packs at Costco.

1 comment:

Nathan Kinzel said...

That was so boring I was about to black out. I actually felt a little blue after I red it. Naturally the writer didn't use his real name because clearly he is yellow. I don't think he's going to make any money from this blog - he'll have to look elsewhere for his first vermillion. In fact, someone ought to tan his hide for that garbage. Who taught him to white like that?

I would say more but I have to eat my Brown's chicken before it gets cold as I listen to Pink.